The Art & Science
of Areola Restoration
Areola Restoration is a permanent medical procedure creating a 3D hyper-realistic depiction of the nipple area and areola for breast cancer survivors who have undergone a mastectomy.
Every individual is unique and requires a completely customized procedure with the goal of creating the most natural looking result - a perfectly symmetrical coloured nipples. Areola Restoration is an art form and the end result will restore the natural beauty of your breasts.
What’s Micropigmentation?
Micro pigmentation is an innovative cosmetic procedure that enables an individual to enhance the shape of their eyebrows, hairline, lips, eyes, and more, through the process of depositing pigment into the skin's dermal layer by using an ultra-thin needle. It’s a great way to restore confidence and self esteem for those with alopecia, hair loss, and for chemotherapy patients. It is also recommended for those with allergies to traditional make-up and those with physical limitations, such as severe arthritis.
Areola Restoration Before & Afters
Scar Micropigmentation
Also known as Skin Camouflage, this procedure is completely customized for each client to ensure natural-looking and unnoticeable results. A cosmetic tattoo service camouflaging and blending your natural skin tone over existing scars, stretch marks, burns, and other types of skin discolouration.
This technique is used to create the look of realistic hair strokes by implanting pigment beneath the skin. It is skillfully applied manually by choosing proper microblade size and customized pigment color to create a natural individual look.
Powder Brows
It’s called powder because it mimics a diffused powder makeup look in the area to enhance the look of the brows. This procedure is performed with a single needle creating mini pixels . The look and design can be customized for every individual and can be done on all skin types.
The lashes are filled in between with pigment creating an illusion of thicker, darker and completely full lashes without looking lined or like obvious makeup. VOILA water proof ready to go!